Report of the Chair of the Customer Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (CSCCSMC) – July 2024


1.           At Annual Council in May a number of changes were made to the membership of the Scrutiny committees. I’d like to welcome new members and thank those who have moved on. I’d particularly like to thank Cllr Myers for his work in 2023/24 as Chair of the Health, Housing & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.


2.           In my report to the March Full Council meeting, I reported that the Chairs of the Scrutiny committees and Audit & Governance had met with the Local Government Association’s Peer Review team during their visit in February and that I looked forward to seeing the report arising from the visit.

3.           The published report[1] includes the following observation:


“Scrutiny arrangements at CYC would benefit from review. As a function of governance, it can be hugely beneficial for quality of decision-making if it is fully supported and empowered to be a positive and integral part of policy development. It is clear that this is recognised by the administration as an area where a fresh look at how improvements can be made would also be a good use of time and effort.”


4.           The draft Corporate Improvement Framework which has been created in response to the report includes an action to review Scrutiny and oversight. This is welcome, and the CSCCSMC work plan includes an opportunity for members to input into this review, and details and timescale for which are not yet clear. I echo the review’s comment that an effective Scrutiny function can be hugely beneficial for the quality of decision-making and look forward to working collaboratively to identify ways in which we can improve current arrangements.


5.           Task & Finish Groups are one way in which Scrutiny can add value, and I was pleased to be involved in a recent review into the city’s much-missed Dial & Ride service with Cllr Steward and Cllr Jane Burton. The group presented its report to EPAT Scrutiny in June and the agreed recommendations will now be considered by Executive. Better support for Task & Finish work is something that I hope can be picked up as part of the review of Scrutiny arrangements.


6.           The Scrutiny committees were recently invited to review and comment on a draft ‘pipeline’ of schemes for which Mayoral Combined Authority funding support is to be sought. This was a good example of where Scrutiny can play a constructive role in informing decisions, and I hope that we will see more of this in the coming months.


7.           Scrutiny committee work plans for the current municipal year have come together well, though there continue to be challenges in securing input from officers. I appreciate that the situation isn’t helped by some Directorates carrying vacant posts which puts added pressure on teams, but I hope that we can nevertheless ensure that officer input can be secured so that Scrutiny is able to do its job.


8.           Since my March report there have been two CSCCSMC call-in meetings. The meeting on 7May to consider a called-in decision on the award of an advertising contract was ended shortly after it began when it was announced that the decision that had been called in was to be annulled. The subsequent new decision made on the same topic was subject to call-in at a meeting held on 3June.




9.           At its 22 April meeting the committee discussed the council’s approach to measuring greenhouse gas emissions, and specifically scope 3 emissions. The committee also discussed changes in legislation relating to public procurement and what this may mean for the authority.


10.        At its 13 May meeting the committee had a wide-ranging discussion on progress with the implementation of the agreed Ten-Year Strategies which guide the council’s work in the areas of health and wellbeing, economic development and climate change. The committee also identified a number of improvements to hopefully improve the way in which council motions and petitions are progressed.


11.        At its 10 June meeting the committee had an in-depth review of the draft pipeline of projects for potential Combined Authority funding support.


Children, Culture & Communities Scrutiny Committee


12.        At its 9 April meeting the committee received updates on the progress of the REACH (Reconnecting Education, the Arts, Culture and Heritage) project. The committee also received a report from York Museums Trust and an update on the work of the York Citizens’ Theatre Trust. Following a motion to Council on 23 November 2023, the committee discussed the important role that York City Football Club plays in the culture and heritage of the city.


13.        At its 7 May meeting the committee discussed the formulation of a work plan for the 2024/25 municipal year.


14.        At its 2 July meeting the committee fed in its suggestions for the pipeline of potential projects for Combined Authority funding support. It also received an update report on the development of the Family Hub Network in the city and an update on the work of York Learning.


Economy, Place, Access and Transport Scrutiny Committee


15.        At its 25 March meeting the committee discussed the council’s asset management strategy.


16.        At its 25 April meeting the committee discussed Digital Residents Parking and Parking Enforcement and options for electric vehicle charging for residents who do not have access to off-road parking.


17.        At its 21 May meeting members discussed the result of the Local Transport Strategy consultation and provided feedback ahead of further consideration by Executive.


18.        At its 25 June meeting the committee welcomed representatives from Yorkshire Water to discuss water quality and a range of issues of interest to members and residents. The committee also provided feedback on the proposed pipeline of Combined Authority schemes and agreed a number of recommendations arising from the work of the Dial & Ride Task & Finish group.


Health, Housing & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee


19.        At its 27 March meeting members discussed the council’s approach to housing asset management and repairs, including stock condition information, damp and mould. The committee also agreed the remit and membership of a Task & Finish Group on the topic of home care commissioning.


20.        At its 23 April meeting members discussed a report on the York NHS Healthcheck programme and discussed latest trends, research, local developments and national policy on vaping.


21.        At its 15 May meeting members provided feedback to help inform the council’s draft Adult Social Care Strategy. Members also discussed Adult Autism and ADHD Assessment services.


22.        At its 12 June meeting members discussed the council’s plans to reduce homelessness through the resettlement pathway and also provided feedback on the draft pipeline of Combined Authority projects.


Cllr Fenton

Chair of the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (CSCCSMC)

8 July 2024
